Mikko’s research topics at ABB Corporate Research
Wearable computing,ubiquitous computing, industrial maintenance, power transmission & distribution.
Wearable & mobile computing for industrial service
The state-of-the-art work on repairing and maintaining industrial devices in the field or in large production facilities suffers from slow adaptation of the latest ICT technology. Work orders and guides often follow the repairman on paper. We identified several scenarios about industrial service work which would benefit from wearable/ubiquitous computing and augmented reality solutions. We developed fundamental concept designs and demos that show the potential of these technologies in industrial service. We also outlined current bottlenecks that hinder the adaptation of wearable computing in large scale in this industry.
These concept demonstrators helped to initiate the first realistic wearable computing applications at ABB, including future university collaborations. (Later on, after our Automated Safety Suit concept presented in the paper was developed into a working prototype, it was listed as ABB’s top innovations for 2013).
Our paper in the ANT-2011 conference was selected as on of the best papers which became an extended journal paper in JAIHC.
Journal papers:
Markus Aleksy and Mikko J. Rissanen. Utilizing wearable computing in industrial service applications. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (JAIHC), April 2012. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/s12652-012-0114-2
International conference papers:
Naoto Kume and Mikko J. Rissanen. Towards ambient communication support for power grid maintenance and repair. In: Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT), Niagara Falls, ON, September 19-21, 2011, pp. 98-105. Procedia. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2011.07.015
Markus Aleksy, Mikko J. Rissanen, Sylvia Maczey and Marcel Dix. Wearable computing in industrial service applications. In: Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT), Niagara Falls, ON, September 19-21, 2011, pp. 394-400. Procedia. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2011.07.051
Invited presentations:
Mikko Rissanen. Mobility: how does it impact us? Keynote speech at ABB Mobility & Interaction Day, Västerås, Sweden, August 29, 2011.
Mikko J. Rissanen. Wanted: practical wearable computing applications. Invited presentation at Kyoto University Hospital, Kyoto, Japan, December 3, 2010.
Mikko J. Rissanen. Wanted: practical wearable computing applications. Invited presentation at National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan, November 30, 2010.
Markus Aleksy, Bernd Stieger and Mikko Rissanen. Recording and processing safety relevant observations for facilities. United States Patent 9445236, filed May 19, 2014, granted September 2016.
Martin Hollender and Mikko Rissanen. System and method for event logging in a technical system or a technical process. European Patent EP2775361A2 filed January 28, 2014, granted January 2, 2019.
Markus Aleksy, Bernd Stieger and Mikko Rissanen. Mobile device with context specific transformation of data items to data images. United States Patent US9741088B2 filed March 7, 2014, granted August 22, 2017.
Bernd Stieger, Markus Aleksy and Mikko Rissanen. System and method for remote isolation support. European Patent Application EP2793089A1 filed April 17, 2013.
Mikko Rissanen, Bernd Stieger and Markus Aleksy. Mobile device for identifying devices for technical maintenance. European Patent Application EP2775408A1 filed October 12, 2012.
(Plus various other invention disclosures from years 2010-2012 that have not been published.)
Sources of inspiration:
Demonstrators on activity recognition done at Kyoto University Hospital by ATR Labs acted as the catalyst for this track of research. See: Naya, Noma et al. Workers' routine activity recognition using body movements and location information.
For user interface options, we utilized ideas from Crossan, Brewster et al. Wrist rotation for interaction in mobile contexts.
© 2003-2019 Mikko Rissanen. All rights reserved.